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Frequently Asked Questions
Is PCA safe?
Yes. The FDA has ruled it is generally recognized as safe.
Is PCA effective?
Yes, in many health and wellness roles, but especially in joint health as determined by human and animal studies.
Is PCA patented?
Yes, as a method for treating or reducing the severity of a joint injury or disease. Abundant evidence supported the various claims showing its effect to have prophylactic and therapeutic on surgically created arthritis in the experimental animal. US patent # 11,980,635 B.
What type of joint injury or disease would there be the most benefit?
PCA will have the most benefit for early-stage injury or disease but not end stage bone on bone conditions.
How long before I might see a benefit?
As early as a few days with decease in swelling or inflammation. It may be as long as 4-6 weeks for some conditions. It is not usually helpful in end stage bone on bone joint changes.
How will I know it helped the cartilage?
You will not readily perceive PCA helped the cartilage. This is a silent benefit appreciated over time with good joint function.
Why do we say #NothingLikeIt ?
PCA has dual action of decreasing the body’s anti-inflammation function plus increasing the integrity of the articular cartilage structure not found in other food supplements or over the counter medicines.
Will it relieve my pain?
A reduction in pain may vary, but generally deceases as the heat and swelling of inflammation decrease. It is not a narcotic. It does not relieve pain of end stage bone on bone arthritis.
What is the basis or foundation for the statements made on this website?
Any and all statements on this website are supported by evidence in the literature and or in the claims of US patents; i.e. US 11.980, 635 B2.